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Newly Inspired!

Newly Inspired fitness
Brightmore’s New Inspire program has added a fun advanced stations class. The residents have really been enjoying these classes!

Residents each have a chance to go through stations to perform the (two) workouts posted at each one. Stations change weekly. There is 30 seconds to perform the 1st workout, while moving to the next station. Their 20 second “breathing” break and then back to work. Residents perform this circuit once around until everyone has had a chance at each station. Then ,of course, they start the 2nd workout. Typically, we do one round of each.

Only if they are motivated, we will do one more round allowing them to pick their favorite workout station to close it out! At the end Madeline, Wellness Coordinator does a short cool down and stretch before they are on their way. It is a fun way to start Wednesdays!

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