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Fire and Fall Prevention Class at Brightmore Independent Living

Jenni Blair, UNCW Gerontology Masters Student interning with the Wilmington Fire Department, came to speak to Brightmore residents on the importance of “Fire & Fall Prevention Awareness.”  On an annual basis, Brightmore invites the Wilmington Fire Deptartment out to speak on Fire & Fall Prevention. If you only hear it once, or if you hear it 20 times, the tips that our local fire department gives us are so very important in keeping us safe and alive.

Fire Prevention tips included:

  • If you smoke, smoke outside
  • Give space heaters space
  • Stay in the kitchen when frying foods
  • Stop, drop & roll
  • Smoke alarms save lives
  • Plan and practice your escape from fire and smoke
  • Know your local emergency number (911)
  • Plan your escape around your abilities

Fall Prevention tips included:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Take your time
  • Keep stairs and walking areas free
  • Improve the lighting
  • Use non-slip mats
  • Be aware of uneven surfaces
  • Stairways should be well lit
  • Wear sturdy, well-fitted, low-heeled shoes with non-slip soles

All of these tips may sound very familiar and basic, but in the event of an emergency they are all you need to know to keep yourself and loved ones safe!

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