Brightmore of Wilmington Continues Life-Long Learning…
As we continue to move forward, Brightmore makes sure education for our residents is still a very prominent part of our Life Enrichment program. The Great Courses has been essential for our community. It is an educational series taught by professional lecturers. The lectures can be streamed right on our community channel and into the resident apartments. The Great Courses provides an array of subjects to choose:
- Literature & Language
- Music
- Science
- Better Living
- Philosophy
- Mathematics
- Languages
- Modern History
- Cooking & Foods
- Travel Tours
- Nature and Ancient Medieval History
…So as you can see, there is so much to pick from.
Through the pandemic, we have continued our life-long learning with the studies of:
- Zoology
- Wonders of our National Parks
- Optimizing Brain Fitness
- The Age of Benjamin Franklin
- The World’s Greatest Paintings
- The History behind Broadway Musicals
This is just to name a few.
This month we will begin another lecture series, “Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe”, for all our Science enthusiasts!