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Over the River and through the Woods!

Retirement community residents from Brightmore of Wilmington traveled to Mike’s Farm in Beulaville, NC for a Holiday Experience everyone should be a part of during the Christmas Season! Brightmore took their 3rd Annual trip to Mike’s Farm to celebrate the many joys of Christmas…starting with a down-home country dinner in the joyous company of many Brightmore residents as we fellowshipped with great conversation, stories and laughter! After filling up on fried chicken, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, green beans, corn, biscuits & molasses and banana pudding, we stood in line anticipating the long awaited “Holiday Lights Hayride” that always puts the “heart” in Christmas! What we could not have anticipated was a “bright” sky filled with the most beautiful full moon to help light the way! It was an amazing ride that made you reflect on the past year and think of only the good in our world, country and each other! It was also a very special night for one of our couples, Bob & Cleo Beatty, because 69 years ago they were introduced on a Hayride in Washington, D.C. and have been together ever since! This was their second year coming on this trip with Brightmore and they enjoyed holding hands and reminiscing while they rode through the illuminated woods together once again. That being said, “It was a magical evening!”

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