Jumping Out of the Age Box isn’t new for this Brightmore Resident
This past week, a bus of Brightmore residents enjoyed an evening out to support one of our own, Clara Hodges. At the age of 83 years young, she had her first art exhibit, titled “Mental Meanderings”, at Waterline Brewing Company. Clara displayed over 30 pieces of her pen and ink abstract artwork. Clara even sold several of her pieces that evening. Most nights, Clara sits at the table in her apartment, grabs a pencil and draws with no clear destination, allowing her thoughts and her pencil to meander freely. As she likes to say, “It comes out of the brain, down the right arm, and out the end of the pencil.”
Clara has drawn over 100 of these abstract pieces in less than a year. Clara said since she has moved to Brightmore, it is now her time to enjoy “being her.” Clara cared for her husband for many years and some of her creative ideas had to be put to the wayside. Now she says she has all the time in the world to just do her! Besides her abstract art, she has also taught herself how to play the banjo. Clara says, “Just wait…you have no idea what’s going to come next!” Brightmore is very proud of Clara, and if you would like to read her whole story go to Star News online and look for the Art section from Thursday, February 7, 2019, titled “I Jumped Out of the Age Box.”