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Brightmore University Holds Final Art Series “Art for a Positive Well Being”

“Art enables us to find ourselves & lose ourselves at the same time” –Thomas Merton

Brightmore University ended a very successful art series with its 3rd and final class, “Art for a Positive Well Being” presented by Maureen McKenna, Artist and Instructor.  The dedicated individuals that joined for the complete series had the opportunity to learn the mediums of watercolor, acrylic and oil painting.  In the March session, the participants left with a beautiful Sunset of blended colors on canvas in Oil. Participants were very happy with the series and noted how their skill-level in painting had improved over the 3 month series and they were excited to continue painting in other outside classes and even take on some personal projects of their own in their very own homes. Even if you do not proclaim yourself to be an artist, taking the time to learn something new keeps your mind bright, energizes the soul and brings out a peaceful calmness that everyone needs at some point in their lives.

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