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Anchor Yourself in Dementia Care

Dementia Care 2The first event in the summer series of The Brightmore University Series took place on Friday, May 6th, as Brightmore of Wilmington, Alzheimer’sNC, and the Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging joined forces to host a free Alzheimer’s Awareness Walk and Workshop entitled  “Anchoring Yourself in Dementia Care”.  Seventy-five Campus residents, staff of area Assisted Livings as well as the general public enjoyed the ever-popular Melanie Bunn, Dementia Training Specialist with Alzheimer’s NC, who presented 2 workshops including “Understanding the Tides & Times of Alzheimer’s and Dementia” and “Taking the Helm of Behaviors in Dementia”.  Dr. Karrie E. Grear, Neurologist and Specialist in Neuromuscular Medicine ended the training event by presenting “A Beacon of Hope in the Diagnosis of Dementia: Updates in Research and Medications”.  Morrison’s Food Services provided delicious Breakfasts and Lunches and Activity, and Wellness Directors, Lisa Sherrill and Madeline Woodard, led the group on the walk around the campus walking trail and provided a hydration station and healthy snack bars for all participants.  Participants received up to date information on Alzheimer’s and Dementia and took home door prizes including blooming plants in honor of Mother’s Day!

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