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A “Sweet” Day at Paraklay Way

Swinging in the sunshineSunshine and fresh air has been proven to lift our mood and help to reduce stress. A change of scenery and a boost of vitamin D can be especially beneficial for someone living with dementia. Time spent outdoors has been shown to have a number of both mental and physical health benefits.

Residents who live on Paraklay Way at The Commons love sitting in the swings on our back porch. Almost as much, as walking in our beautiful courtyard. On a gorgeous spring day last week we sipped on freshly squeezed lemonade and had chocolate chip cookies while we reminisced about the past, listened to the birds chirp and watched the squirrels play. Our residents then strolled through the courtyard checking on our tomato plants and flowers. The next time you visit don’t forget to stop by to check it out!

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