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A Day in the Life at The Commons

Starting your morningOur days might look a little different but the staff and residents at The Commons are still doing the things they love to do. Every morning our Activity Directors do one-on-one visits where we tell our daily joke, a riddle, and we pass out our daily perk packet. The packet contains word puzzles, art pages, trivia, and fun facts about that day in history. It is important during this time to keep a healthy and engaged mind.

In the afternoon, we do specialty snack carts or hallway games and exercises. Throughout the day, we do FaceTime, Zoom, Google Duo and Skype video calls to keep in touch with loved ones. When the weather is nice, you can find residents in the courtyard walking and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. We continue to celebrate holidays like Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day. All of us have learned to be flexible, embrace change, and find clever new ways to do our favorite activities.

Day in the life

Day in the life

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